DEC 5, 2023

Hello HAWPC Famillies,
We hope everyone has had an amazing summer and “off-season”. We had another amazing year having our most competitive season in over a decade. Our quality of programming was highlighted with our representation at Team Ontario this Summer with 8 athletes attending the Tournament along with Coach Patrick LEES.
We also had numerous athletes participate in Junior Olympics in both California and Texas.
Locally Summer Water Polo is alive and well. With another sold out summer season.
Another highlight from the year is that our Club Population has increased to include over 130 athletes. This is up by nearly 33% from 2018.
We went dark so to speak in July that was both to recharge some batteries but also to address our growing pool needs both in relation to Swim & Play programming and Competitive goals. In order to meet the new demand we have worked tirelessly to acquire increased Pool allotment from the City and added new coaches to our staff.
Further after a lot of hard work, and collaboration we are pleased to announce that, the Southwest will be running its own RDC Centre out of Brantford. We will be providing further RDC information and 17U NCL information shortly.
2023/2024 Season Information
For the 2023/2024 Parents and athletes will observe some changes specifically in relation to fees. The Club made the commitment coming out of the pandemic to lower fees to help keep athletes in the water. The increase is minimal and breaks down to roughly $1.00 per practice.
Based on the limitations of RAMP we will be utilizing a 2 step Registration System. We are asking that Parents who are going to be registering for the 2023/2024 Season register with team snap ASAP. This will help us to be more organized for the season. RAMP registration does not open until early September.
Step 1: Please Register Now (No fees are associated to Team Snap)
Athletes will register on Team Snap. Team Snap will be used for Communication. IF YOU PLAN ON PARTICIPATING WITH THE HAWPC IN 2023/2024 PLEASE REGISTER WITH TEAM SNAP NOW.
Step 2:
Athletes will register on RAMP late August early September (whenever Water Polo Canada opens registration). All Club Fees and Insurance will be paid through RAMP.
RAMP will also be used as a redundant Communication Tool in relation to Pool Closures and last minute changes. Going forward we hope to just utilize Team Snap.
This season, based on rising costs we will be increasing our fees ($16-$20.00 per month).
Similar to other Clubs across the Country HAWPC will also be introducing a mandatory $200.00 Volunteer component for all of our COMPETITIVE athletes and families. Families who complete the time will be reimbursed either by refund or their child’s Provincial Tournament Fees will be covered. Though it sounds overwhelming when we break it down it is very manageable.
PARENT VOLUNTEER FEE $200.00 (broken into 2 x $100.00 sections)
$100.00 of the fee will be in relation to Providing 4 hours of Time to the Club.
Tasks like assisting with Tournaments, attending meetings, helping transport equipment, flyers, will all be considered for this time.
The second 100.00 is in relation to signing up for tournaments on Team Snap at the deadline and simply reading emails. This 100.00 is all or nothing. The week leading up to a tournament is extremely stressful and time consuming for the Head Coach. We need our rosters set and completed in advance of competitions. If parents fail to meet the timelines given they will forfeit the $100.00
Beginning this season all High School Aged athletes will be required to provide 6 hours of Service to the club. We need help with Bring a Friend days, Swim and Play Ball, 13U/11U tournament days and so forth. This is a great way to give back to the club and also a great way for our athletes to enter the world of coaching and officiating.
If players do not complete this they will not be eligible to receive the subsidy (which they have been receiving) at tournaments.
We recognize that all Players and Parents are busy but in order to compete with the best clubs in the country while keeping our fees low we need to get creative.
2023/2024 FEES
Swim and Play Ball
$270.00 Fall + 35.00 Insurance
$270.00 Winter
$225.00 Spring
Full Year 675.00
11U Fees
850.00 + Provincial Insurance 150.00
Athletes attend 2-3 practices per week.
13U Fees
$1250.00+ Provincial Insurance 150.00
Athletes attend 3-4 practices per week
15U-19U Fees
$1550.00 + National fees 180.00
Athletes Train 4-5 x per week.
Recreational for High School
1250.00 2 x per week
Please note athletes in the High School Rec will not be eligible to participate in tournaments.
We have done away with the 3x and 4x per week model. If the 3x per week is an identified need by the family and athlete we will address this on a case by case basis.
2023/2024 SCHEDULE
We will have some slight potential timing changes (15 minutes on either end) But overall we are set and the Google Calendar will begin to be updated. Unfortunately after lots of work the CIty of Hamilton changed our allotment on August 2nd. As a result we will be moving one of our Swim and Play Sessions to Brantford which is TBD.
Thursday – 6:00-7:30 PM – Pinky Lewis
Saturday – 9:00 – 10:30 – Jimmy Thompson
High School Bridge 2x per week
Monday – 7:30 -9:00 – Ryerson
Thursday 7:30-8:30 – Pinky Leris
Saturday – 10:30-12:00 Jimmy Thompson
Sunday – 4:00 – 7:00 Wayne Gretzky
11U COMPETITIVE (2-3x per week)
Monday – 6:30-7:30PM – Jimmy Thompson (Swim with Hammerheads)
Wednesday – 5:45-6:45 PM – Pinky Lewis (Swim with Hammerheads)
Thursday – 6:00-7:30 PM – Pinky Lewis (SPB)
Thursday – 7:30-8:30PM – Pinky Lewis (Swim with Hammerheads)
Saturday – 9:00-10:30AM – Jimmy Thompson (SPB)
Sunday – 3:30-5:00 PM – Wayne Gretzky
Monday – 6:30-7:30PM – Jimmy Thompson (Swim with Hammerheads)
Wednesday – 5:45-6:45 PM – Pinky Lewis (Swim with Hammerheads)
Thursday – 6:00-7:30 PM – Pinky Lewis (SPB)
Thursday – 7:30-8:30PM – Pinky Lewis (Swim with Hammerheads)
Saturday – 10:30-12:00AM – Jimmy Thompson (SPB)
Sunday – 3:30-5:00 PM – Wayne Gretzky
Monday – 7:30 – 9:00 PM – Ryerson
Tuesday – 8:15 – 9:45 PM – Jimmy Thompson
Thursday – 7:00-9:00 PM – Wayne Gretzky
Thursday – 7:15 -8:30 PM – Pinky Lewis (Swim with Hammerheads)
Saturday – 10:30 – 12:00 PM – Jimmy Thompson
Sunday – 4:00-7:00 PM – Wayne Gretzky (Maybe 4:00 PM swim??)***
***Note Saturday will be targeted toward 15U and 13U however in the event that 17U and 19U athletes have missed a practice or are seeking extra conditioning this practice will be a suitable supplement.
For this season the following head coaches have been identified for these teams (see below). We will also be welcoming Former Olympian and Water Polo Legend David Hart onto our staff. Along with serving as the High Performance director for the Region David will be coaching our 15-19U athletes on Tuesdays at Jimmy Thompson and will be coaching our 11U and 13U’s on Sunday at Wayne Gretzky.
11U: Greg Blunsdon
13U: Greg Blunsdon
15U: Boys Greg Blunsdon
15U: Girls Patrick Lees
17U-19U: Boys Tim Carr/ Pat Lees
17U-19U: Girls Tim Carr/Pat Lees
This season we are setting goals for our Club. Also athletes who are 15U and Up will be required to submit Goal sheets to their Coaches.
- 2 Medals at Provincials OPL
- Qualify 2 Teams for Nationals (OPL or NCL)
- 10 athletes on Team Ontario
- Increase Club Membership to 150 athletes
- Host the Best Provincial Tournament For 13U Provincials
- Increase Club Connection with Players, Parents and Alumni
- Reinstitute the HWDSB Middle School Tournament
A lot of information to take in, but we are in a really good position in 2023/2024 to make some great Club gains.
See you on deck