DEC 5, 2023

Hi folks,
We hope everyone had a great holiday. We are all systems go this week, and excited to start 2023.
If you are new to the HAWPC family, welcome. Our Club has been serving the Hamilton Community since 1932 and you are know part of this amazing organization.
Each week we try to send out a weekly update. In this weekly email we will try to highlight any changes to the schedule for the week ahead, draw parents attention to upcoming tournaments and or events, and also showcase highlights from our amazing athletes. If you miss something, do not worry.
Information is also sent through Teamsnap, and is later published on our website under the blog. Team Snap Registration
If you have a question about the schedule you can always go onto our website under calendars and access our updated google calendar as well.
An amazing weekend in the water for our athletes who participated at the 17U NCL TOURNAMENT in Ottawa. All athletes continued to improve, with several of our Women Capturing Gold with the combined Maverick, HAWPC, Forrest City Team. Great Work
This week marks our return to Swim and Play Ball. As always we will have a mix of returning and new to sport athletes. For week 1 please bring swimsuit, goggles and a towel. That is all you need to bring. Parents are welcome to stay and watch in the viewing area which is on deck. Each week we will introduce a new skill with skill acquisition drills tailored to all levels.
If you have not done so all competitive athletes need to register on team snap. If you do not receive a second email from team snap this means you.Team Snap is our new method for managing tournament registration. It is also the easiest method for communicating closures and last minute cancellations. For competitive athletes it is mandatory that you register with Teamsnap. For Swim and Play Ball it is highly recommended but not mandatory.
Registration for Team Snap is free. Team Snap Registration
For OPL athletes 15u, 13u, and 11u the first tournaments for 2023 are:
London February 12th-13th
Ottawa February 24th-26th
Please log into teamsnap and mark off your availability.
This needs to be done no later then Thursday so we can determine which teams will be attending.
Dryland training with APEX will return starting January 16th. We will be running another 8 week session through APEX. If you participated last session please just email Your intentions to: david@apexperformancetraining.com If you did not participate last term please reach out to APEX for joining instructions.
If you have clothing orders that still need to be picked up please contact Janeen. j.schaeffer@rogers.com
SWIMSUITS should be done soon thanks for your patience.
Very exciting week please remember to welcome the new athletes. Every single person in this Club remembers the first day they walked onto a pool deck for their first practice.
Let us have an amazing 2023.
Have a great day.